Thursday, 12 March 2015

Homeopathy is not an effective treatment: Australian study of 225 researches

After reviewing 225 research papers selected from 1800 studies on homeopathy, a top Australian body for medical research has concluded that homeopathy is not effective for treating any medical condition.

Times of India

The Gaurdian

The Smithsonian

When will Indians be awaken? Nothing sort of a mass movement would be able to dislodge theses fraudsters who have entrenched themselves in the name of alternative system of medicine. Remember, homeopathy is not even a medicine and thus there is no question of being an alternative. Review of large body of data covering 1800 studies has confirmed that Homeopathy doesn't work, cannot work.

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Homeopathy is not an effective treatment: Australian study of 225 researches

After reviewing 225 research papers selected from 1800 studies on homeopathy, a top Australian body for medical research has concluded that ...