![]() Heavily diluted solutions are used in homeopathic remedies |
The Lancet says the time for more studies is over and doctors should be bold and honest with patients about homoeopathy's "lack of benefit".
A Swiss-UK review of 110 trials found no convincing evidence the treatment worked any better than a placebo.
Advocates of homoeopathy maintained the therapy, which works on the principle of treating like with like, does work.
Continuing dispute
Someone with an allergy, for example, who was using homoeopathic medicines would attempt to beat it with an ultra-diluted dose of an agent that would cause the same symptoms.
Many previous studies have demonstrated that homoeopathy has an effect over and above placebo
The row over homeopathy has been raging for years.
In 2002, American illusionist James Randi offered $1m to anyone able to prove, under observed conditions in a laboratory, that homeopathic remedies can really cure people.
To date, no-one has passed the preliminary tests.
In the UK, homoeopathy is available on the NHS. Some argue that it should be more widely available, while others believe it should not be offered at all.
In 2000, the UK Parliamentary Select Committee on Science and Technology issued a report on complementary and alternative medicine.
It reported that "any therapy that makes specific claims for being able to treat specific conditions should have evidence of being able to do this above and beyond the placebo effect".
To prove a negative is impossible. But good large studies of homeopathy do not show a difference
According to Professor Matthias Egger, from the University of Berne, and Swiss colleagues from Zurich University and a UK team at the University of Bristol, homoeopathy has no such evidence.
They compared 110 trials that looked at the effects of homoeopathy versus placebo with 110 trials of conventional medicines for the same medical disorders or diseases.
This included trials for the treatment of asthma, allergies and muscular problems, some large and some small.
For both homeopathy and conventional medicines, the smaller trials of lower quality showed more beneficial treatment effects than the larger trials.
However, when they looked at only the larger, high-quality trials, they found no convincing evidence that homeopathy worked any better than placebo.
Professor Egger said: "We acknowledge to prove a negative is impossible.
"But good large studies of homeopathy do not show a difference between the placebo and the homoeopathic remedy, whereas in the case of conventional medicines you still see an effect."
He said some people do report feeling better after having homoeopathy. He believes this is down to the whole experience of the therapy, with the homeopath spending a lot of time and attention on the individual.
"It has nothing to do with what is in the little white pill," he said.
'Research bias'
However, the Lancet also reports that a draft report on homoeopathy by the World Health Organization says the majority of peer-reviewed scientific papers published over the past 40 years have demonstrated that homeopathy is superior to placebo in placebo-controlled trials.
What does the medical field have to gain by shooting alternative remedies down?
Furthermore, it says that homoeopathy is equivalent to conventional medicines in the treatment of illnesses, both in humans and animals.
Professor Edzard Ernst, professor of complementary medicine at the Peninsula Medical School in Exeter, said the draft WHO report seemed overtly biased and that all of the trials cited happened to be positive.
"They are not the most rigorous ones, not the most recent," he said.
A spokeswoman from the Society of Homoeopaths said: "Many previous studies have demonstrated that homeopathy has an effect over and above placebo.
"It has been established beyond doubt and accepted by many researchers, that the placebo-controlled randomised controlled trial is not a fitting research tool with which to test homeopathy."
yes,its eye opening and revolutionary idea,you have projected.Indeed its a great contribution for humanity.Welldone!!!
You are really mistaken my friend.....i guess you have not come across the fantabulous results in HOMOEOPATHY .....Its pointless arguing with u my Friend its just one request if you come over to india we have camps held here in mumbai and mahableswar for mentally retardted and Autistic kids we can show wonderful results with feedback from there parents ......
GOD BLESS YOU WHEN BECOME ILL....WE CAN REALLY ARRANGE an appointment for u my friend
dear hari...let me show an ignorant like u...how homeopathy helps in Epidemics and Crises...
Update on Tsunami Relief Efforts
Homeopathy has a 200-year-old history of success in treating epidemic diseases -- beginning with Hahnemann's use of Belladonna to treat and prevent scarlet fever in the epidemic of 1801. Homeopathy is also one of the best types of medicine to use for trauma, both physical and emotional. It is no surprise that the National Center for Homeopathy has been inundated with questions since September 11, 2001 about how to use homeopathy in these turbulent times.The NCH has also been instrumental in raising relief funds to enable homeopathic treatment for the victims of the tsunami, hurricane Katrina, and other crises around the world.
This section of the NCH site will help you understand how homeopathy can help you during an epidemic or in traumatic situations. There are two main sections:
Flu Forum -- Find out recommended remedies for this year's flu, contribute your own successful experiences with treating the flu, and check out helpful articles about flu treatment in general.
General Information -- This page points to invaluable information about the homeopathic approach to epidemics and trauma, including an FAQ and many useful articles.
Normally, homeopathic treatment requires selection of a remedy that best matches a person's highly individualized symptom picture. Fortunately, in acute situations, the range of likely responses is much narrower. For this reason, the choice of an appropriate remedy also becomes easier. Keeping a general all-purpose remedy kit on hand and knowing how to use it is the best preparation for emergencies. To hone your skills, consider starting an NCH Affiliated Study Group or plan to attend the NCH Summer School.
i really agree with u,some so called intelligent ppl only claim that there is no effect, but they don't know , or become ignorant when they notice some drastic effects...n pls even i will help u out if u need an appointment when u fall ill,n u will know how homoeopathy can give fast n better long lasting results
Anonymous said...
hello mr.ABC..
i think your ignorance is landing u nowhere...and half knowledge is always v.harmful...
had homoeopathy been a fake science...it wouldnt have existed 4 so many centuries..the fact that it stood the test of times speaks 4 itself..
i dont blame u 4 your ignorance,bcoz people have a habit of boasting whatever little knowledge they have n claim 2 b wisest of all...
but i think one must not venture into anybody's territory without knowing full map of it...
and a friendly advise..y dont u include the dictum...LIVE N LET LIVE...in your life...u will b benifitted..
it has been included,accepted as a science and thousands of students graduate and thousands are practising,thousands are being treated successfully...i think so many thousands of people cant b wrong...so,when r u fixing up your appointment with a homoeopath?and be one of the many thousands...
people with houses made of glass should not throw stones at others...hope u have rightly heard n understood this..
hello mr.ABC..
i think your ignorance is landing u nowhere...and half knowledge is always v.harmful...
had homoeopathy been a fake science...it wouldnt have existed 4 so many centuries..the fact that it stood the test of times speaks 4 itself..
i dont blame u 4 your ignorance,bcoz people have a habit of boasting whatever little knowledge they have n claim 2 b wisest of all...
but i think one must not venture into anybody's territory without knowing full map of it...
and a friendly advise..y dont u include the dictum...LIVE N LET LIVE...in your life...u will b benifitted..
it has been included,accepted as a science and thousands of students graduate and thousands are practising,thousands are being treated successfully...i think so many thousands of people cant b wrong...so,when r u fixing up your appointment with a homoeopath?and be one of the many thousands...
people with houses made of glass should not throw stones at others...hope u have rightly heard n understood this..
For all Homoeopathic Doctors, UNITED WE STAND DIVIDED WE
FALL... A meeting had been organised
by Dr.P.Y.Kulkarni sir at
Kulaswa mangal Karyale for
disscussing the recent Newz
targeting Homoeopathic
Doctors by warning the Chemist not to deliver medicines on our
Prescription moreover they
called the Doctors doing so as
Bogus... So, its a high time to
decide by coming on one
platform & by unity asking the Government to soon pass a GR
in favour of Homoeopathic
So try to be there in MAJORITY
Kulswamini Mangal Karyalay,
N-6 Cidco,
Azad Chowk,Mata Mandir Road.
Date: 8\7\'12 (Sunday) Time: 1 pm onwards...
It is a pity that Homoeopathy is subjected to such concentrated attack by the vested interests. No other science has met with such a horrendous fate. I can understand if somebody enumerates the demerits of Homoeo therapy. But What is deplorable is the fact the core of attack centers around the allegation that preparation of Homoeo drugs beyond 22C flies in the face of science, both physical and chemical.
This obviously unscientific stand is being bandied as the most powerful force against the science of Homoeopathy. Sad. In a country where talismans and conch shells are blatantly sold on TV, the so called rationalist prefer to attack Homoeopathy. Will some competent scientists join forces to put a stop to this anti-people stand. Such a group if successful will ever shine in history as saviour of humanity.
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