Here is a sample list:
Blog to generate public opinion for homeopathy ban in India.Homeopathy, a pseudoscience, must be banned to protect public health interests. Unfortunately, India has the largest homeopathic infrastructure in the world, with low estimates at about 64,000, but going as high as 300,000 practicing homeopaths. In addition, there are 180 "colleges" teaching courses, and 7500 government "clinics" and 307 "hospitals" which dispense homeopathic "remedies".
Sunday, 16 May 2010
Watch Your Prescription
Here is a sample list:
Sunday, 9 May 2010
Alternative explanations for "cures" :
A variety of alternative explanations have been offered for how homeopathy, if the remedies themselves are ineffective, may appear to cure diseases or alleviate symptoms:
- Unassisted natural healing - time and the body's ability to heal without assistance can eliminate many diseases of their own accord
- Unrecognized treatments - an unrelated food, exercise, environmental agent or treatment for a different ailment, may have occurred
- Regression toward the mean - since many diseases or conditions are cyclical, symptoms vary over time and patients tend to seek care when discomfort is greatest, they may feel better anyway but because the timing of the visit to the homeopath they attribute improvement to the remedy taken
- Nonhomeopathic treatment - patients may also be getting nonhomeopathic care simultaneous with homeopathic treatment, and this is responsible for improvement though a portion or all of the improvement may be attributed to the remedy
- Cessation of unpleasant treatment - often homeopaths recommend patients stop getting conventional treatment such as surgery or drugs, which can cause unpleasant side effects; improvements are attributed to homeopathy when the actual cause is the cessation of the treatment causing side effects in the first place
- Lifestyle changes - homeopaths often recommend diet and exercise, as well as limitations in alcohol or coffee consumption and stress reduction, all of which can increase health and decrease symptoms
- The placebo effect - the intensive consultation process and expectations for the homeopathic preparations can result in the release of endorphins or other body-effecting chemicals which alleviate pain or other symptoms, or otherwise affect an individual's biology
- Psychological healing - the care, concern and reassurance provided by a homeopath as part of the consultation can assure the patient the symptoms are minor and easily treated, or alleviate tension that could exacerbate a preexisting condition. This can be particularly effective when physicians have limited time with the patient or are unable to provide a diagnosis or treatment.
Featured post
Homeopathy is not an effective treatment: Australian study of 225 researches
After reviewing 225 research papers selected from 1800 studies on homeopathy, a top Australian body for medical research has concluded that ...
Now many so called highly successful "Homeopathic Clinicians" are launching chains of multi-speciality "clinics" and cla...
Times of India reported the "success" of scientists at IIT Bombay in proving scientific basis of effectiveness of homeopathy in n...
There have been responses to the blog indicating that since homeopathy delivers results in some cases,it can't be a fraud.However,I have...