Ever wondered what kind of substances are used to initiate preparation of homeopathic "medicines"?.
Here is a sample list:
Here is a sample list:
(1)Raw bovine testicles
(2)Crushed honey bees (Apis mellifica)
(3)Belladona (deadly nightshade)
(8)Poison nut (Nux vomica)
(9)Spanish fly (Cantharis)
(10)Venom of bushmaster snake
(11)Nosodes made of diseased or pathological products such as faeces, urinary and respiratory discharges ,blood and tissues of patients
(12) Aconite
(13) Dog milk (Lac canidum)
.............and many more such substances. Of course, it is futile to search for any scientific basis behind drug preparation in homeopathy. The claimed basis "like cures like" is nothing but non-sense and fails in the face of established fundamentals of science. Of course, modern medicine uses vaccines with low doses of causative antigens but then that's a real science. And homeopaths don't claim that every disease has immunological basis.
thought u said there was nothing in them
thought u said there was nothing in them
one minute homeopathic medicine is nothing but sugar pills, the next minute you are moaning about the substances they are derived from.
You can't have it both ways!
If you want to complain about something,try having an honest look at the ingredients that make up the average vaccine.
Learn Homeopathy before you comment, just like making comment without knowing you is called FOOLISH
@Mr. Gouranga. You are ignorant for sure. I dont know about being foolish, and yes, I have learnt enough of Homeopathy non-sense before writing.
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